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Walking An Application

Exploring The Website

Feature - URL - Summary

Home Page - / - This page contains a summary of what Acme IT Support does with a company photo of their staff.

Latest News - /news - This page contains a list of recently published news articles by the company, and each news article has a link with an id number, i.e. /news/article?id=1

News Article - /news/article?id=1 - Displays the individual news article. Some articles seem to be blocked and reserved for premium customers only.

Contact Page - /contact - This page contains a form for customers to contact the company. It contains name, email and message input fields and a send button.

Customers - /customers - This link redirects to /customers/login.

Customer Login - /customers/login - This page contains a login form with username and password fields.

Customer Signup - /customers/signup - This page contains a user-signup form that consists of a username, email, password and password confirmation input fields.

Customer Reset Password - /customers/reset - Password reset form with an email address input field.

Customer Dashboard - /customers - This page contains a list of the user's tickets submitted to the IT support company and a "Create Ticket" button.

Create Ticket - /customers/ticket/new - This page contains a form with a textbox for entering the IT issue and a file upload option to create an IT support ticket.

Customer Account - /customers/account - This page allows the user to edit their username, email and password.

Customer Logout - /customers/logout - This link logs the user out of the customer area.